How It All Started - The SOS Kitchen Story - Bangkok to New York to Singapore

Hi! I am Saahil!

I was born in the land of spicy food - Thailand. 

When I went to New York to study - I discovered this all new world of Mexican chillies. 

The US has this amazing variety of chillies that we don't find easily in Singapore. I was always obsessed with the rating scale and when I discovered the Scoville scale, I knew there was no turning back. The flavours and tastes on that scale ranges from the mild to scorching. There were so many possibilities. The chilli infused oils, gin, vodka, beer, honey and the list goes on. There were even possibilities to create a variety of sugar syrup infused with chillies, chillies ice cream and even chillies infused drinking chocolate.

When I returned back to Singapore, I started experimenting with chillies and infused the chillies into blueberry jam and chilli Tahini. During the May 2020 Circuit breaker lockdown in Singapore, I imported the Habanero peppers and fermented to create an amazing sauce and named it The Circuit Breaker. Later the same year we experimented and created the chilli infused olive tapenade. We are having so much fun creating, releasing new products and bringing them to you. 

If you like spicy food then you will like all our products. We manufacture in small batches in a facility in Singapore. The ingredients used are all natural, grown or procured in Singapore or Malaysia. There are no added preservatives in any of the products. We hope you will try some of our creations.

Saahil Sharma

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1 comment

So proud of you Sahil. I still remember you from DPS years. Will surely try out your products. My WhatsApp number is 91819426. Would love to hear from you. God bless you and wish you all the best for your future

Arpita NAYAK

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